The Gyrokinesis method was developed by Juliu Horvath.
The concept includes various elements of yoga, dance and thai chi, looking at the spine as the main element to regain an overall wellbeing.
Gyrokinesis systematically and gently trains joints and muscles by rhythmic wavelike movements.
The corresponding breathing patterns stimulate the nervous system and help to release waste products and toxic substances that can be removed by the oxygen-enhanced bloodstream.
The flowing movement prevents static positions and thereby superfluous body waste deposit and tensions.
The result is a comprehensive and deep state of balance.
Die Gyrokinesis Methode wurde von Juliu Horvath entwickelt.
Das Konzept umfasst verschiedene Elemente von Yoga, Tanz und Thai Chi, wobei die Wirbelsäule als Hauptelement für die Wiederherstellung des allgemeinen Wohlbefindens betrachtet wird.
Gyrokinesis trainiert systematisch und sanft Gelenke und Muskeln durch rhythmische wellenförmige Bewegungen.
Die entsprechenden Atmungsmuster stimulieren das Nervensystem und helfen dabei, Abfallprodukte und toxische Substanzen freizusetzen, die vom sauerstoffverstärkten Blutkreislauf entfernt werden können.
Die fließende Bewegung verhindert statische Haltepositionen und damit überflüssige Ablagerungen und Spannungen.
Das Ergebnis ist ein umfassender und tiefer Gleichgewichtszustand.
Il metodo Gyrokinesis è stato sviluppato da Juliu Horvath.
Il concetto comprende vari elementi di yoga, danza e Thai Chi, con la colonna vertebrale percepita come elemento essenziale per ripristinare il benessere generale.
La Gyrokinesis allena sistematicamente e delicatamente articolazioni e muscoli attraverso movimenti ondulatori ritmici.
Gli schemi respiratori appropriati stimolano il sistema nervoso e aiutano a liberare le tossine che possono così essere rimosse dal flusso sanguigno arricchito di ossigeno.
Il movimento scorrevole evita posizioni statiche e combatte così depositi e tensioni.
Il risultato è uno stato di equilibrio integrale e profondo.
Gyrokinesis stimulates energy in a natural way and helps to overcome lethargy.
The training program is done without any training machines, so the acquired exercises can be partially repeated at home or at work to re-balance the body from one-sided working positions.
People of all ages and different lifestyles benefit by this method – from therapy to high performance training for competitive athletes.