The Gyrotonic movement system was developed by Juliu Horvath.
The holistic approach opens up a unique way in the art of exercising.
By perceiving the human body as an integral entity, with the spine as its central support,
the founder, incorporated his experience as a dancer, swimmer and gymnast as well as his profound studies of yoga and Chinese acupuncture, into the Gyrotonic method.
The movement flow is based on circular, wavelike movements with continuous resistance.
All exercises are synchronised with corresponding breathing patterns and carried out in a melodic way.
Das Gyrotonic Expansion System wurde von Juliu Horvath entwickelt.
Der ganzheitliche Ansatz eröffnet einen einzigartigen Weg in die Kunst des Trainings,
indem der menschliche Körper als Ganzes und die Wirbelsäule als zentrale Stütze wahrgenommen wird.
Der Gründer brachte seine Erfahrung als Tänzer, Schwimmer und Turner sowie seine tiefgreifenden Studien über Yoga und chinesische Akupunktur in die Gyrotonic Methode ein.
Der Bewegungsfluss basiert auf kreisförmigen, wellenförmigen Bewegungen mit kontinuierlichem Widerstand.
Alle Übungen werden mit entsprechenden Atemmustern synchronisiert und melodisch ausgeführt.
Gyrotonic è un metodo di movimento sviluppato da Juliu Horvath.
L' approccio olistico apre un modo unico nell'arte di esercitarsi.
Percependo il corpo umano come un' entità integrale, con la colonna vertebrale adibita a supporto centrale,
il fondatore, incorpora la sua esperienza di ballerino, nuotatore e ginnasta, nonché i suoi profondi studi di yoga e agopuntura cinese, nel metodo Gyrotonic.
I movimenti sono fluidi, circolari, ondulatori, sotto una resistenza continua.
Tutti gli esercizi sono sincronizzati con i corrispondenti schemi respiratori ed eseguiti in modo melodico.
They say that nothing worth doing is easy. Like every successful business, we’ve had our bumps in the road. But we wouldn’t change a thing. Why? Because throughout our journey we’ve honed our skills and put our services to the test in the real world, so our clients can benefit from our years of experience.